Working in Estonia as a Physiotherapist
We are extremely sad about the current situation in Ukraine and the Estonian Physiotherapy Association would like to help all Ukrainian colleagues to find a job or any other assistance you may require.
We have created a special form below for all of you who wish to find a job in Estonia. There you can leave your contacts and CV or/and diploma so potential employers could contact you.
We also encourage you to check out the open jobs already available in our website.
Please note that for working you need to apply for a Temporary Protection from the Estonian Police and Border Guard. They have also created a page with all the necessary information HERE.
For any further questions you can contact us by e-mail or by filling the contact form below.
Job application form
Contact form
Jobs available
Soovin sisestada kuulutuse: | Employer | Advertisement | Kas soovite määratleda täpsemalt töövaldkonda? | Millises valdkonnas tööd pakud? | Practice type | Muu | Location | Location of patient | Ad valid until | Position | Salary | Contact | Phone | Additional information | |
Juriidilise isikuna | Fysio OÜ | Ei | Erapraksis | Pärnumaa | 28/02/2025 | Füsioterapeut | Töötasu hea ,kokkuleppel | Aliis Allas | | +3725212271 | Otsime oma tiimi füsioterapeuti osalise koormusega,kes hakkaks tegelema Tervisekassa klientidega. Paindlik graafik. | ||||
Juriidilise isikuna | Tallinna Lasteaed Õunake | Jah | Laste füsioteraapia | Muu | Lasteaed | Harjumaa | 31/12/2024 | füsioterapeut/liikumisõpetaja | 2080 | katrin elme | | +37256616180 | |||
Juriidilise isikuna | Teraapiagrupp OÜ | Jah | Tööfüsioteraapia, Skeleti-lihassüsteemi füsioteraapia, Laste füsioteraapia, Spordifüsioteraapia | Rehabilitatsiooniteenuse osutaja, Erapraksis | Põlvamaa | 19/01/2025 | Füsioterapeut | Maret Salonen | | Teraapiagrupp OÜ on Põlvas tegutsev rehabilitatsioonikeskus. Pakume tööd füsioterapeudile, kes soovib oma töös kasutada erinevaid metoodikaid ja kõrgtehnoloogilisi võimalusi. Töö on erinevate vanusegruppidega ning kasuks tuleb jõutreeningute juhendamise oskus. Tartust on Põlvasse 47km ning Võrust 25 km, pakume ka sõidukompensatsioonivõimalust. Meie meeskond on sõbralik ja proffessionaalne, lisaks on meid tunnustatud nii kohalikul kui ka riiklikul tasemel kvaliteetse töö eest! See töökoht ei ole tavaline, tule julgelt vaatama!!! | |||||
Juriidilise isikuna | Pihlakodu AS | Jah | Skeleti-lihassüsteemi füsioteraapia | Rehabilitatsiooniteenuse osutaja | Harjumaa | 31/01/2025 | Tabasalu Pihlakodus füsioterapeut | Kokkuleppel | Jaanika Viitmann | | +37254410275 | ||||
Juriidilise isikuna | SA Raplamaa Haigla | | Ei | Haigla | Raplamaa | 31/01/2025 | Füsioterapeut | Alates 14.55 eurot tund | Liivi Väärsi | | +3724890750 | ||||
Juriidilise isikuna | Adeli Rehabilitatsioonikeskus | Jah | Skeleti-lihassüsteemi füsioteraapia | Haigla, Rehabilitatsiooniteenuse osutaja, Erapraksis | Harjumaa | 26/01/2025 | Füsioterapeut basseinitundide läbiviimiseks. | Kokkuleppel | Ahti Kallaste | | +3725065117 | Basseinitundide läbiviimiseks. | |||
Juriidilise isikuna | AS Rakvere Haigla | | Ei | Haigla, Rehabilitatsiooniteenuse osutaja | Lääne-Virumaa | 28/02/2025 | Füsioterapeut | Kokkuleppel | Christi Ojaste | | +37259007920 | ||||
Juriidilise isikuna | Adeli Rehabilitatsioonikeskus | Jah | Skeleti-lihassüsteemi füsioteraapia, Neurofüsioteraapia | Haigla, Rehabilitatsiooniteenuse osutaja, Erapraksis | Harjumaa | 12/01/2025 | Füsioterapeut | Kokkuleppel | Ahti Kallaste | | +3725065117 | ||||
Juriidilise isikuna | Adeli Rehabilitatsioonikeskus | Jah | Laste füsioteraapia | Rehabilitatsiooniteenuse osutaja, Erapraksis | Harjumaa | 12/01/2025 | Laste füsioterapeut | kokk | Ahti Kallaste | | +3725065117 | ||||
Juriidilise isikuna | Sakrum: keha ja meele tervisekeskus | Jah | Erapraksis | Võrumaa | 31/01/2025 | Füsioterapeut | Töötasu on hea. Kaugemalt tulijad saavad sõidukompensatsiooni. | Angeelika Kreek | | +37259061298 | Meie füsiotiim vajab täiendust. Töötame paindliku graafiku alusel endale sobivatel aegadel, palgalisele puhkusele lisaks saab võtta palgata puhkuseid. Meie keskuses töötab erinevaid spetsialiste ning omavaheline koostöö on hea, mis annab aktiivsele inimesele võimaluse areneda. Samuti on meil sisekoolitusi peamiselt skeleti-lihasüsteemi probleemdiega pastientidega töötamiseks. |
Job applicants
ID | Serial Number | Status | Name | Phone/Mobile | Birth Date | Gender | Graduated School | Degree | Year of graduation | Upload Your CV | Agreement | Comments(optional) | Upload Your Diploma | |
1019 | 6 | unread | Zeeshan Hussain | 09877059061 | | 10.04.1986 | Male | jamia Millia | Master In Physiotherapy- Sports | 2013 | | I agree to publish my personal data to the Estonian Physiotherapy Assiciation website | Greetings from Mr Zeeshan Hussain (PT) I am writing this letter with an interest to know whether there is requirement for the position of Physiotherapist in your Hospital/Physiotherapy Centre/Sports Centre. I have Master degree in Physiotherapy specialized in (Sports) From Jamia Millia Islamia Along With more than 11 years of Experience in Physiotherapy in different specialties Such as Musculoskeletal, SPORTS, NEUROLOGY and PEDIATRICS. I want to work in an Organization where my knowledge, Skills and Expertise can be utilized for the Treatment of Patient and in returns it Must Generate More Revenue for Hospital/Physiotherapy Centre. Currently I am working in Largest Group of Government Hospital in India i.e. AIIMS Hospital and Research Centre. According to My Perspective I am the excellent candidate for Position of Physiotherapist in your hospital/Physiotherapy center/Sports Centre because of my Qualification and Skills that I utilize during Treatment of the patients. I utilize Advanced Physiotherapy skills such as Manual Therapy( Mulligan Technique, Maitland Technique) Myofascial Release Technique, Kinesio Taping, Athletic taping, Dry needling , Pune shoulder Rehab protocol(PSRP) and Mechanize Technique for Treatment of Orthopedic and Sports injury patient. For Neurological disorder Rehabilitation and Pediatrics rehabilitation I utilize my Skill of Neuro developmental Technique (Bobath technique) and constraint Induced Movement therapy, Weight bearing exercise and Facilitation techniques. For Pain management, I use latest Electrotherapy modality such as Shock wave therapy, Lazer, functional Muscle stimulator, EMG Biofeedback, Decompression Therapy, Traction Unit and Cupping Technique. My Core area is Musculoskeletal and Sports Rehabilitation; However I have good Command Over Neurological disorder Rehabilitation, paediatric Rehabilitation, Oncology Rehab, Post tendon repair and Post Plastic Surgery rehab. It would be Great Pleasure if we could entertain personal discussion in case there is Requirement of Physiotherapist in your Hospital or Centre. You can call me or E Mail me on my personal mobile no: +91 7319882474, +91 9877059061 and my email id:, Thanks for showing your Consideration and Reading my letter. Thanks & Regard ZEESHAN HUSSAIN (PT) | |
1035 | 7 | unread | rascorasco rascorasco | 3447703432 | | 16.01.2025 | Male | rgeg | rasco fffe | rasco | | I agree to publish my personal data to the Estonian Physiotherapy Assiciation website | rasco | |